2008 Diamond Gemstones Jewelry

Properly storing jewelry does not need to be expensive. Some jewelry comes in boxes or pouches, which you can continue to use. You can find other reasonable solutions with a little creativity.

Since the idea is to isolate each jewel from one another, an easy and effective solution is to wrap each piece in layers of acid-free tissue paper, untreated cotton, or raw silk. If you sew, you might try creating individual, acid-free bags for this purpose. If sewing isn't one of your talents, then each piece in cotton or raw silkgs which will work.
Brooches, earrings and stickpins can be stuck onto a board or cushion. The board or cushion may then be placed into a soft, padded bag for storage. Neck chains may be stored on wooden or fabric-covered hooks, or draped across cushions and stored covered in a drawer. You can also use the long box or folder in which the neckchain or necklace was delivered by the jeweler. Bracelets and knotted (on string or silk thread) necklaces are best stored laid flat.

The disadvantage of storing in wraps or bags, is that the jewels are hidden from view. This isn't always a bad thing (some stones and materials can fade with prolonged exposure to light). But as your collection grows larger, it is more convenient to locate items by sight. Some people also take great pleasure in arranging their gems, and even a small, neatly arranged, jewelry collection can be an impressive sight.

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