Diamond Jewellery For Engagement

Diamond is Forever and Eternity

Diamond is perceived as the most precious of all precious stones and is peerless. It is a woman’s best friend and a symbol of love. It shines and glitters and symbolizes purity and strength.
In ancient times, a diamond was considered to be a sign of magic, sanctity, healing, energy, happiness, beauty, and longevity when used, but the saying goes that a diamond is poison when consumed. It was known for its goodness and power to remove all evil. In today’s world, a diamond is regarded as a status symbol, an ornament of beauty worn by the rich and depicts a luxurious lifestyle. A diamond is forever. You would have heard this. The reason for this saying is because it is the hardest natural material and very difficult to break. It is also a good conductor of heat and a nonconductor of electricity. It is another form of dark carbon.

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